
What is HALO?

Halo by Sciton is a hybrid fractional laser (partially ablative) that combines ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to create a strong synergistic effect, resulting in unmatched improvement in the visible signs of skin aging.

What does partially ablative mean?

Partially ablative means that Halo uses both ablative and non-ablative technology. The ablative laser creates tiny channels in the skin, micro injuries, that leave the areas around them untouched. The non-ablative technology delivers little thermal injuries to the unablated skin which trigger the body's own wound healing collagen and elastin production response. Collagen fiber growth is stimulated and as the epidermis heals and regrows, the treated area appears smoother and tighter.

Older technologies require much longer down-time, so Halo is the best of both worlds.

What does it treat?

This treatment addresses discoloration, sun damage, visible signs of aging, poor texture, appearance of scars, fine lines and wrinkles, as well as uneven skin tone.

How many treatments will I need?

Due to its fractionated nature, most clients require one to two HALO treatments to achieve their goals (depending on intensity). Then, practitioners can help maintain our client's results with a maintenance HALO treatment one or two times per year as needed. As every client is unique, our aestheticians will work to customize a treatment plan just for you.

Does it hurt?

We use a high-grade topical anesthetic prior to treatment so your skin will feel numb. In addition, a Zimmer chiller can also be used to keep the skin cool during treatments, which can help ease any other discomfort the patient may experience. As every patient is unique, the experience of pain will vary.

What is the downtime associated with HALO?

Immediately after treatment, your face will be warm and your skin will be red. For the next couple days, you should expect swelling. Around day 3 or 4, your skin will start to form "mends" which can feel like a sandpaper texture. The Halo treatment is well tolerated with approximately 5 - 7 days of social down time. Makeup may be applied the day after treatment.

A normal skin care regimen may be resumed after 7 days.

Do I need a consultation?

Yes. Consultations for Halo are required with one of our Medical Aestheticians who can offer individualized guidance. A $75 Consultation fee is secured at the time of booking and applied to the cost of any treatment received within 3 months of your consultation.